ShySky.com Home: Cheap DIY Green Energy - How to Make and Save Money with Renewable Energy ProjectsIntroduction:
We at ShySky are a small group of family and
friends working to bring the
advantages of solar energy and DIY green energy projects to the people
who need it most, but can't
it. One goal is to introduce the parabolic curve to people, who in turn
take this concept and adapt and modify it for their benefit. What is a parabolic curve? It's a fancy math equation that helps design curves so that they reflect light, heat, radio and satellite signals to a "focus point", enhancing the strength of the light, heat or signals. Example of how a parabolic solar
reflector can be used to boil water, which can then distill drinking
water from salt water:
Thanks to Dan Rojas at www.greenpowerscience.com Parabolic shapes are all around us. The reflective cone in a flashlight helps focus and intensify the light. The glass lid on a pot or pan is a parabolic curve that reflects the heat back to the food in the pot. Satellite dishes use the principals of parabolic curves to focus and intensify the TV signals they receive. And using this same parabolic shape is also great for collecting and focusing the free solar energy our sun gives us every day. But people don't have to be mathematicians to exploit this shape. The really smart guys have already done all the work. All people need to do is have access to this shape and concepts and they can apply them to various materials they may have in their local areas. For example, if someone lives in an area with a lot of clay for pottery, it is possible for them to use a satellite dish as a "mold" for the parabolic shape, creating a clay "dish" in the same shape as the satellite dish, creating a homemade solar energy collector. Then adding reflective materials such as broken mirrors chips or scrap aluminum or foil, they can produce their own parabolic "mirrors" to harness the power of the sun. Solar power isn't just about generating
electricity. It can also be used to cook as well as pasteurize and
desalinate water. There
are Mongolian tribes that use woven ox and horse hair with foil to
create parabolic dishes that are lightweight so they can be carried on
horse back. They use these dishes to cook food and boil water, saving
them the trouble of having to constantly find fire wood to do the same
thing. In poor areas around the World, too many trees are being cut to use for heating and fuel to cook food and boil water for drinking. For poor people, gathering wood can take time from education and productive work, as well as increase the deforestation of surrounding areas, wood can also be very expensive. And burning more wood increases pollution, and regardless of your thoughts on climate change, pollution is a known health concern for all of us. Millions and millions of poor people live next to oceans, but have no regular source of quality, drinkable water. A solar still is a perfect tool for people needing to desalinate saltwater to make it drinkable. They just need the simple knowledge and some very basic materials to make it happen. Selling quality water has been the foundation for businesses for centuries and centuries. From our research we've found that the average cost for a liter (about a quart) of clean, bottled water is 50 cents in developing countries.. Someone equipped locally with the tools needed to distill or boil water using solar power can produce a liter of water for mere pennies. Not only can they sell the water for a profit, they can also sell it more cheaply, benefiting buyers and sellers alike. We hope to offer "micro loans" to people of need, lending them the solar equipment needed and allowing them to pay us back as they generate profits from selling clean water or from the sale of the solar distillers and ovens. As they pay us back, we use that money to do the same for someone else...And on and on... Some Water-Related Health Estimates:
Over a billion people, which is approx. 1 out of 6 people in the World and 54% of Africans, don't have clean water to drink. Sick people connected to poor water quality fill 50% of the planets hospital beds and over 5000 kids die every day. The average African and Asian women walk about 4 miles a day, just to collect water and kids all around the planet miss an education because of the time spent getting water. 80 percent of diseases in developing countries are caused by
poor water quality and in much of Asia twice as many people die from
diarrhea than from HIV.
Solar Power Isn't Perfect...But It's Still Great We know solar powered energy isn't perfect and that it depends upon sunny days and it won't replace all wood burning. But it is a very good addition to the resource list of many people around the World. We are set out to bring the wonderful power of our sun to as many impoverished folks as we possibly can. Also, ShySky.com is dedicated to helping everyone try to
become more energy self-reliant using various DYI green energy
projects. ShySky.com also focuses on "brainstorming" to
help get
your creative juices flowing so you may be the next creator of a
break-through in green energy. We also show you ways to "scalvage" to find free and cheap materials for your DYI gren energy projects, as well as giving you tons of possibilities for making and saving money from green energy. So please go ahead and browse our ShySky site...You'll learn
some cool, interesting in helpful stuff!
Thanks for your time...
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